Friday, April 28, 2006

"girl you must have the gracefulness of a donkey" favourite words this week...

aside from "last crossing" by guy vanderheaeaeagheaehge, which i'm really loving the feel of, come from the silver hearts new album "dear stranger".

last real poet
'she said i'm the last real poet in town
and i'm leaving
and i'm sure to become somebody
somewhere else'

all for you
'you know evey man must work
and the day is long and cruel
see the blisters on my hands
i've worked the whole day through
but i'm not feeling any pain
cuz my hands are holding you
and when the day is done
i'm coming home to you'

whiskey blind
'girl you must have the gracefulness of a donkey
one dance with you and whole world's upside down
that's ok i still got the honky-tonky
still got enough beer to go for one more round
so hand me down that bottle
i've got a lot of trouble on my mind
before i'm seeing double
please take the keys
i'm going whiskey blind
and i can't stand to have you see me crying'

last days of chez nous
'you know i still love the way you sing
but i do believe that is the only thing
nothing ever came from trying to seperate sand from glue
we used to pick at hymns together
now its scabs
let's pack it up and get a tattoo
oh i know
that love don't last forever
even if you make it walk around in sunday clothes
and folks don't stay together
so they can keep smelling like a rose
i can play with you forever
and i'd never tire of the oo-wah-oo's
any song we sing together is a tonic
for the battles and the blues'

(there was even a zeugma in that last one. who can find it?)

1 comment:

'col said...

hymns/scabs, dude.

there are lasting benefits that come from being mad about a literary girl...

although I still think "zeugma!"
"bless you!"

because apparently there are also lasting effects from having spent one's life around a lot of guys, the ability to amuse myself with just about anything among them.