Monday, June 12, 2006

funny titles of the blogs i haven't gotten around to posting lately...or something

"between the legs, around the back, spinning, off the backboard, in traffic..."
about the best shot i've ever made while playing basketball. the off the backboard part was even on purpose. it was so ridiculous that i could only walk away from it, and i could barely meet anybody's eyes. mark was just shaking his head and laughing.

"ha ha ha - i've made it past 3 can't fire me now..."
about how i've made it past the ol' 3 month probation period at work. not only that but my first day after probation was june 6, 2006...06/06/06...i listened to black sabbath all day that day.

ok that's all i can remember off the top of my head...while at i'll post a part two of this when i remember more of the funny things i meant to blog about lately.

things are ok. but nutty. wedding drama abounds. the invitations are just about done and just about ready for assembly. we're scouting out registry stuff. sarah's dad wants to throw a bachelor party for me. i'm leaning towards softball in the earlier evening and then drinking later, maybe with cards...? i dunno. but i'm playing shortstop.

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