Friday, April 28, 2006

the light on the lake when i step off the streetcar...

one of the things i love about the king streetcar is stepping off of it, coming home from work. my stop is along that stretch of king west where the street runs right along the rail lines beside the gardiner. the houses stop on the south side of the street just before my stop and the view of the lake opens right up, and the light at the end of the day on the lake is gorgeous. some days i can convince myself that i can see the other side it seems so clear. or maybe i can just see farther along the north western shore...see more than etobicoke and hamilton...i'm not sure what's past hamilton along there, but i could make it out tonight.
tonight there was a big freighter out on the lake too. first one i've seen this season, although i'm sure there have been plenty. it's kinda something. i don't know why though cuz those freighters aren't exactly pretty... oh well. i don't really need to understand it. the light was so amazing tonight too. and the colour it brought out of the sky and the lake...
i kinda wish i was the kind of person who would stop to look longer at the water, maybe go down to the shore and stare meditatively or something, setting myself on a rock or a log or leaning on a railing or a tree...
we went down one night last summer with a blanket and a bottle of wine. that was real nice. it's a puzzle why we don't do it more...
this past week has been a study of different colours and states of water on the lake, something i've taken to noting to myself i guess. even on the rainy gray days it was pretty. just different. hmm...

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