Wednesday, September 07, 2005

oh god i can't move...don't even mention anymore food

oh my god i can't move. don't even mention anymore food. we just got back from sarah's mom's house where we ate ribs, sausages, 3 kinds of salad (one with grilled shitake mushrooms and arugula...), drank some wine and then had a dufflet's chocolate and raspberry cake....exactly.
so it's been a little nutty round these parts.
we've had 2 of our best friends (gavin and karlene) staying with us for parts of the last two weeks. did i already mention that? they're getting married on saturday. they decided to get married here in toronto 2 months shanghai... they're a little stressed out. we're so happy about their wedding though. they're perfect. and/or crazy...
also i had a job interview today. for a job at indigo home office which it turns out i'd be perfect for. i did ok i think. i'm pretty sure i got to say everything i wanted to...gave examples and made all my points... just that maybe i wasn't sharp in the performance/showmanship aspect of interviewing. not that i think i botched it or anything. just wish i'd been sharper. oh well. i'm pretty sure that i won't lose the job based on that, or even a second interview. we'll see.
prodigal daughter is back too. (and if i knew better how to work stuff i'd be able to hot link "prodigal daughter" to the blog she goes with....) toronto just got better. i actually do have more enthusiasm...just that all my blood is around my belly...digesting...
yesterday was sarah's birthday. she's 32. also she started a job at the u of t bookstore. and next week she starts school. phew.
and we saw batman begins.
oh yeah, last weekend we went down to sunnyside beach around 830pm and we drank wine and hung out and watched fireworks. a very satisfying and nicely poetic kinda night. i hope to reproduce such niceness and poeticality in my life in the future.
i dont' have any deep thoughts these days. just busy living a temporarily busy life. can't wait for the wedding on saturday.
currently reading "sweet and vicious" by david shickler. about a hot girl, and a guy, stolen diamonds, and gangsters. fun and short and sweet.
that's all i got.


Anonymous said...

Arnold feels the heat
FEMA: Pat Robertson's charity is welcome, but firefighters aren't Michael Brown says that firefighters are still waiting in Atlanta because FEMA needs to figure out where to send them first.
Good blog, keep up the great work.
I have a debt site/blog. It pretty much covers debt related stuff.
Check out mine sometime if you have a chance!

pol said...

it's spam. what a jerk... actually this appeared on someone else's blog too...i think the groomzillas

Adam said...

mmmm blogspam. And speaking of Groomzilla - just thought I'd mention that the link to "those crazy kids" currently takes you to

Ah yes, look out for the bridges! And 'bin/'? Have you been secretly writing Unix scripts again?