Thursday, September 22, 2005

my friend is doing something that i admire and respect and it makes me very proud

this is my friend dan's blog address.

he's going to go down to the gulf coast himself to help out people affected by katrina and now hurricane rita. it makes me really worried about him. but it makes me really proud of him.

he's got a long history of work and credentials around social justice issues, and he knows what he's talking about, at least as much as anybody i've ever talked to about social justice stuff. there are some really great links on his blog, and some important information about what has happened and what is still happening down there. i urge people to check it out.
i'm tired right now, and i can't type anymore to tell you about dan and what i wish... i have a quote from "middlemarch", by george eliot, which i've never read but i should -

"i have a belief on my own and it comforts me...
that by desiring what is perfectly good, even when we don't quite know what it is and cannot do what we would, we are part of the divine power against evil - widening the skirts of light and making the struggle with darkness narrower."

i like the quote cuz it comforts me. maybe that's too easy though. there's truth there cuz sometimes we don't know and can't do, but i just wish for more - from myself, from people, from the world. i admire what dan is doing and has always done, as long as i've known him.
in this small and humble way maybe i can's's a starting's good's love and pride...

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