Sunday, February 12, 2006

reflections or some such shit

sitting in front of the monitor on a sunday night, glass of scotch...dalwhinnie if you're wondering...oh so nice...sarah's watching desperate housewives. it's been more than a month since my last post...these are my sins...(any catholics besides bolducs read this?) we've already watched all of deadwood season one...again - brilliant. apparently season two has been delayed. maybe out in time to get onto our wedding registry? sigh. i got "suspended" for two weeks from pick-up basketball. hmmm....fair enough i guess. (i'm the guy who loves the game so much that i slam the ball off the ground after bad plays, or kick it, or get heated about calls....well actually there's more to it than that....isn't there always?...but nobody else really does and it's much too telling that there's never been an incident when i'm not there...) so anyway, i guess it was deserved, and i've tried really hard in the past to not be that guy only sometimes i slip so i guess it takes something like this to make me really pay attention.
shit i should've titled this post confessions.
or something.
if only life was as good as this scotch.
we've been trying to make progress on wedding plans lately. almost have an email contact list. we do have an email address for the wedding stuff. i've written an email save-the-date. just as soon as we complete that contact list i'll actually send it out. we also need to set a date for our jack and jill/meet and greet/casino night. thought we had it sorted, but we had some bad luck. hmmm...gotta finalize that...sigh.
i have also won the worst day of 2006 so far contest. got a really troublesome situation at work that i probably shouldn't discuss on the interweb. can any of our erstwhile readers give me a job? might come to that. probably i'm still being dramatic as usual. keep your ears open.
tired. in body mind and soul. that's me.
i've read ... lots ... of books since the last post. 'book of secrets' by vassanji broke my heart. finished it on the way to work. i don't recommend having a book break your heart on the way TO work... also read jarhead...maybe that was in teh last post...i dunno. i think i've fallen off of that whole keeping track of all the books i've read in the last year or so...too big of a job...
...desperate housewives is a little distracting. why would she go down into the scary dark basement? tv characters have no sense of self-preservation.
hmm...i guess i don't really have much to say without discussing work over the internet so i'll stop now. hope you're all well.

1 comment:

Miss Julia J said...

I'll allow Bree to do moronic things like go into the scary basement as long as they keep with the sexy scenes between Gabrielle and her husband. I can't figure out which one of them I want to do more! (... why decide?!)