Tuesday, February 14, 2006

good thing about being fired/unemployed #1

i can grow a beard.
2 - i can watch more olympics than anybody else...hmmm....please tell me figure skating is over already...
3 - videogames...good thing i just dropped $40 on age of empires 3....
4 - daytime sex ...only not on tuesdays cuz sarah's in class all day
5 - when the raptors go on west coast trip i don't care cuz i don't have to get up early

hmmm...i'd thought of a bunch of funnier ones last night...of course i was drinking...speaking of the olympics - canadian womens hockey team beat sweden 8-1 this morning.

6 - someday i'll be able to enjoy browsing in bookstores again...after the bitterness fades...hey did you guys know there's a new boondocks out? i saw it this morning at "another story" the bookstore on ronces where i plan to stage a sit in until they hire me...there's this whole huge segment on the kobe bryant trial that almost made me fall down right in the middle of the store...there's a strip where one kid says "man kobe got beef!" "yeah kobe got huge beef" "no no no kobe got expensive beef" (pause) "kobe beef?"....i totally saw it coming but i almost hurt myself when i laughed...actually "another story" looks really awesome - maybe i can recreate myself...ya know like maybe i can develop the social conscience/awareness that i always wished i had when grew up...michelle what do you know about this place anyway? gimme some goods to put in my cover letter...(this is me trying to land on my feet...get back out there...an opportunity for change...or not...)
7 - more time for wedding planning...cuz now it might be more necessary...
8 - more time to cook...and listen to meatloaf and sabbath...
9 - more time to clean...ummm...
10 - did i mention the video games?
11- more time to read...hmmm...that one hurts a little...
12- when i get on ei i can totally get into all kindsa programs that cost millions of dollars when you're employed - hah suckers...
13 - time to do my taxes and see if all the taxes i'm owed from the last couple years makes up for the money i owe for the couple years before that...
14 - more time for my friends...(this means YOU! play with me!)
15 - i can start jogging
16 - i can now play basketball on friday nights too with the guys
17 - i can use the raps tix that so far i haven't been able to use cuz of work conflicts...they're cheap seats
18 - i can read all the basketball blogs...
19 - i can work on my crossover in the living room

i hereby challenge all of you to come up with more good things about having time off.

actually i have a little funny story about my first employment opportunity phone call this morning. her name is lisa - "the last time we talked was almost a year ago...so what are you doing now?"
me - actually i have very recently undergone a change of direction. [good one huh?] i'm moving on from indigo/coles.
lisa - but what are you doing right now though?
me - i play basketball tuesday nights.

she had to put the phone down cuz she was laughing so hard i think she snorted...

don't be entirely fooled by my brave face though ok.

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