Sunday, February 26, 2006

ice cream and interview prep...hayden...thought-full?

sunday night...sarah's watching cold case...i've been practising and writing notes for my job interview tomorrow....bailey's flavour hagen-das goes better with a couple two bite brownies in it if you're wondering...(i've got some experience in the area of ice cream eating)
been sitting in front of the computer listening to lotsa old music i used to like but somehow never hayden - i even remember most of the words
"go down to the grocery store, meet someone i adore...keep me warm under the sack, share with me my midnight snack"
apparently feeling some kinda...thought-full? nostalgiac? ...not really. nice to just be writing and singing along to all the stuff i love to sing along to though.
got back into the reno/subcontractor business lately too. put in a good day of work yesterday. kinda feeling it today a bit...sore hands, with little nicks and cuts, stiff back...could also be from basketball on friday night. i hit a couple big shots, got out and ran on the fast breaks...felt real good. if only my shooting was more consistent and i didn't make as many turnovers as i've been making lately. sigh.
did anybody else notice that february is pretty much over? wasn't january just last week? can anybody tell me what i've been doing for the last 2 months cuz i'm not sure how it could go by so fast and feel so busy if i haven't done much...
i think i'm over the firing. on with the not having a job.
actually between the renovation work i've got, the interview, and if all else fails the e.i. programs that maybe pay for training or edumacation or figuring out what to be when i grow up...maybe things is pretty good right now.
and i got beers in the fridge.
although i'm basically out of scotch.
but irish whiskey ain't so bad either.
now if only i could put some kiss on my ipod life would be grand...

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