Sunday, February 26, 2006

ice cream and interview prep...hayden...thought-full?

sunday night...sarah's watching cold case...i've been practising and writing notes for my job interview tomorrow....bailey's flavour hagen-das goes better with a couple two bite brownies in it if you're wondering...(i've got some experience in the area of ice cream eating)
been sitting in front of the computer listening to lotsa old music i used to like but somehow never hayden - i even remember most of the words
"go down to the grocery store, meet someone i adore...keep me warm under the sack, share with me my midnight snack"
apparently feeling some kinda...thought-full? nostalgiac? ...not really. nice to just be writing and singing along to all the stuff i love to sing along to though.
got back into the reno/subcontractor business lately too. put in a good day of work yesterday. kinda feeling it today a bit...sore hands, with little nicks and cuts, stiff back...could also be from basketball on friday night. i hit a couple big shots, got out and ran on the fast breaks...felt real good. if only my shooting was more consistent and i didn't make as many turnovers as i've been making lately. sigh.
did anybody else notice that february is pretty much over? wasn't january just last week? can anybody tell me what i've been doing for the last 2 months cuz i'm not sure how it could go by so fast and feel so busy if i haven't done much...
i think i'm over the firing. on with the not having a job.
actually between the renovation work i've got, the interview, and if all else fails the e.i. programs that maybe pay for training or edumacation or figuring out what to be when i grow up...maybe things is pretty good right now.
and i got beers in the fridge.
although i'm basically out of scotch.
but irish whiskey ain't so bad either.
now if only i could put some kiss on my ipod life would be grand...

Thursday, February 16, 2006


"you've got a crush on me
and it's easy to see
that you write about me in your diary"

oh those wacky donnas

i wanna be a unabomber

i was listening to the donnas while i wrote that kiss post.
i love them too.

"tonight i'm gonna make him mine
i'm gonna get in his pants tonight
and i'm gonna make him mine"

very west side story.

turn up to ten

and another good thing about having all this time on my hands...a chance to rediscover kiss. i used to love them. my friend paul from grade four loved them so much that he actually got his hair permed to look just like paul stanley - in grade four! (i wonder if i'll be that cool as a parent to let my kid look like paul stanley...?) i used to think that gene simmons was actually cooler but i'm not sure anymore... actually one of my favourite memories of working at indigo at the eaton centre was one morning before we opened when kim came in and as soon as she got into the music section she put on kiss's greatest hits...i proposed to her on the spot. (i also remember that nobody else was old enough to really know anything about kiss...) oh yeah and she laughed off my offer of matrimonial her defense she was either engaged or married at the time...also i think sarah might have laughed off my offer of matrimonial bliss too the first eight times...
ok but check out these kiss lyrics (i actually prepared for this blog post)

"turn it up
hungry for the medecine
2 fisted
til the very end
no more
treated like aliens
we're not gonna take it
no lies
no more alibis
turn it up
got me hypnotized
rock on
won't be tranquillized..."


"sometimes days are so hard to survive
a million ways to bury you alive
the sun goes down on that bad dream
you wound up so tight gotta let off steam
they say they can break you
again and again
if life is a radio
turn up to ten"

that's geniosity for sure. i kinda wish i'd gone to see paul stanley play the phantom now...
whoever knows the name of both songs gets to buy me a drink.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

update from the land of unemployment

currently fighting a running battle between mild agoraphobia (that's the one where you don't really leave the house right? not a fear of giant squid?) and boredom and lack of beer. i think the lack of beer is gonna be motivational...although the raptors game starts in - yikes it starts now. gotta go.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

for those of you who don't know

my employment at coles has terminated basically due to irreparable differences with my boss. yes there's a story there, but the interweb is probably not the best place to air it out. we'll have coffee or booze or ice cream and you'll get the goods.
in the meantime - does anybody know of any paul-shaped job opportunities?

good thing about being fired/unemployed #1

i can grow a beard.
2 - i can watch more olympics than anybody else...hmmm....please tell me figure skating is over already...
3 - videogames...good thing i just dropped $40 on age of empires 3....
4 - daytime sex ...only not on tuesdays cuz sarah's in class all day
5 - when the raptors go on west coast trip i don't care cuz i don't have to get up early

hmmm...i'd thought of a bunch of funnier ones last night...of course i was drinking...speaking of the olympics - canadian womens hockey team beat sweden 8-1 this morning.

6 - someday i'll be able to enjoy browsing in bookstores again...after the bitterness fades...hey did you guys know there's a new boondocks out? i saw it this morning at "another story" the bookstore on ronces where i plan to stage a sit in until they hire me...there's this whole huge segment on the kobe bryant trial that almost made me fall down right in the middle of the store...there's a strip where one kid says "man kobe got beef!" "yeah kobe got huge beef" "no no no kobe got expensive beef" (pause) "kobe beef?"....i totally saw it coming but i almost hurt myself when i laughed...actually "another story" looks really awesome - maybe i can recreate myself...ya know like maybe i can develop the social conscience/awareness that i always wished i had when grew up...michelle what do you know about this place anyway? gimme some goods to put in my cover letter...(this is me trying to land on my feet...get back out opportunity for change...or not...)
7 - more time for wedding planning...cuz now it might be more necessary...
8 - more time to cook...and listen to meatloaf and sabbath...
9 - more time to clean...ummm...
10 - did i mention the video games?
11- more time to read...hmmm...that one hurts a little...
12- when i get on ei i can totally get into all kindsa programs that cost millions of dollars when you're employed - hah suckers...
13 - time to do my taxes and see if all the taxes i'm owed from the last couple years makes up for the money i owe for the couple years before that...
14 - more time for my friends...(this means YOU! play with me!)
15 - i can start jogging
16 - i can now play basketball on friday nights too with the guys
17 - i can use the raps tix that so far i haven't been able to use cuz of work conflicts...they're cheap seats
18 - i can read all the basketball blogs...
19 - i can work on my crossover in the living room

i hereby challenge all of you to come up with more good things about having time off.

actually i have a little funny story about my first employment opportunity phone call this morning. her name is lisa - "the last time we talked was almost a year what are you doing now?"
me - actually i have very recently undergone a change of direction. [good one huh?] i'm moving on from indigo/coles.
lisa - but what are you doing right now though?
me - i play basketball tuesday nights.

she had to put the phone down cuz she was laughing so hard i think she snorted...

don't be entirely fooled by my brave face though ok.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

reflections or some such shit

sitting in front of the monitor on a sunday night, glass of scotch...dalwhinnie if you're wondering...oh so nice...sarah's watching desperate housewives. it's been more than a month since my last post...these are my sins...(any catholics besides bolducs read this?) we've already watched all of deadwood season one...again - brilliant. apparently season two has been delayed. maybe out in time to get onto our wedding registry? sigh. i got "suspended" for two weeks from pick-up basketball. hmmm....fair enough i guess. (i'm the guy who loves the game so much that i slam the ball off the ground after bad plays, or kick it, or get heated about calls....well actually there's more to it than that....isn't there always?...but nobody else really does and it's much too telling that there's never been an incident when i'm not there...) so anyway, i guess it was deserved, and i've tried really hard in the past to not be that guy only sometimes i slip so i guess it takes something like this to make me really pay attention.
shit i should've titled this post confessions.
or something.
if only life was as good as this scotch.
we've been trying to make progress on wedding plans lately. almost have an email contact list. we do have an email address for the wedding stuff. i've written an email save-the-date. just as soon as we complete that contact list i'll actually send it out. we also need to set a date for our jack and jill/meet and greet/casino night. thought we had it sorted, but we had some bad luck. hmmm...gotta finalize that...sigh.
i have also won the worst day of 2006 so far contest. got a really troublesome situation at work that i probably shouldn't discuss on the interweb. can any of our erstwhile readers give me a job? might come to that. probably i'm still being dramatic as usual. keep your ears open.
tired. in body mind and soul. that's me.
i've read ... lots ... of books since the last post. 'book of secrets' by vassanji broke my heart. finished it on the way to work. i don't recommend having a book break your heart on the way TO work... also read jarhead...maybe that was in teh last post...i dunno. i think i've fallen off of that whole keeping track of all the books i've read in the last year or so...too big of a job...
...desperate housewives is a little distracting. why would she go down into the scary dark basement? tv characters have no sense of self-preservation.
hmm...i guess i don't really have much to say without discussing work over the internet so i'll stop now. hope you're all well.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


i ain't got answers
but i got ears
might have tissues
to touch your tears
don't know what i don't know
but i know it's a lot
still i sometimes see
the difference between
to have and to have not

like living and dying
or hope and crying