Monday, December 12, 2005


anybody remember the cartoons from saturday mornings with the sheepdog and the coyote...i think they were warner brothers...they always used the same sheepdog...and actually they just used wile e. coyote for the coyote... the cartoon i'm thinking of the coyote and the sheepdog both arrive at the field where the sheep are pasturing and they both are carrying lunch pails and as they arrive they greet each other..."mornin' ralph" "morning sam"...except i don't think the other guy was called sam...and i' can't remember which one was ralph...and then they clock in at some old fashioned clock punch thingy and do their thing (ie. the sheepdog guards and the coyote tries to steal the sheep...)...hilarity and hijinks and mayhem ensue...and then they punch out "evenin' ralph" "evening sam"...
well that's what i think of when i get on and off the subway at don mills station (yes the whole other end of the sheppard line...)...i imagine myself greeting my fellow travellers the exact same way..."morning ralph" "morning paul"..."see ya ralph" "evening paul"'s not like i know them or anything...just fellow travellers...ya know...? how do you get to know those people?
probably i'm under a lot of stress...underslept...too much time to think on ttc...
"morning ralph" ... "evening paul"...


Adam said...



sorry, I tried. The first link from that search is the wikipedia entry on Sam Sheepdog and Ralph Wolf - it's pretty cool.

TW said...

I shall help dumb cola ad (good anagram for his name):

- Subcool Mind aka Domino Clubs aka TW

Adam said...

Of course once I get married and take Shanghai's last name perhaps a more fitting anagram will be

"Me,a ex-labia dandy"

or more likely

"Max ale? Nay, I be dad"

however, there will be max ale this friday!