Monday, December 05, 2005

road trip...ptbo...haiku...tired...mmm, irish cream...just a blog postcard really

hey yeah so i went to peterboro last night to see gord and pete for his was a really really nice time. those guys are great. wish i could see more of them.
i spent the drive up to ptbo composing haikus. i actually came up with this one really good one too...only all the drinking and stuff ate away that part of my brain...the first line was something like "country road, country sky"...only better and more poetic... and there was something about the possibilities between headlights...only with less syllables...6-7-6 right?...the poem evoked a sense of satisfaction and adventure in the every day, and possibilities and hopes and dreams maybe... i was working on another one on the way back into town about winter sunlight through glass being something special...i know...less ambitious but i was tired and warm...made me think of "cryptonomicon" - one of the main characters is a marine in ww2 who likes to compose haikus...and he comes up with a really good one in the first page i think...ask michelle - and adam read it last...
nice to be home now.

1 comment:

TW said...

Haiku is 5-7-5

Ack, the rules. You could make 6-7-6 polku (or polfu, which is way cooler).