Thursday, October 06, 2005

algonquin adventures ... continued... some things clarified

true - i did stub my toe so bad it swelled up like a couple of grapes
- i did hyper-extend my left knee (formerly known as my "good knee") while hiking back out on tuesday approximately km 2 of 7...stupid fallen leaves camouflaging the stupid hole in the ground... unless - it was a cleverly laid trap!! aha!! was it the beavers? the mice? or the chipmunks? those little critters may not be as wiley or fearless or mangey as their city cousins but as guerilla fighters in their own element...
- also true, i no longer have those great glasses...ever see on tv or wherever when people drive off with their coffee still on the roof of the car? yeah...kinda like that...

not true - no bears...but we decided early on that if any of us needed to explain anything to anybody else's girlfriends then bears would be involved...any accidents resulting from knife-throwing...bear. anybody accidentally shot by a handmade bow and arrow...bear. any hacky sack injuries...bear.

1 comment:

pol said...

imagine how the bear felt...

...i'm not really sure what i mean by that...