Tuesday, January 02, 2007

not so much new years resolutions...more like reflections...hopes...wishes...

...home from basketball - the first basketball night of the year and the first in about a month...yes, ouch is a good word. a can of the ol' newkie brown (newcastle brown ale if you don't know) is going very nicely. and i've got thoughts...reflections...hopes...wishes...

like i wanna try to be more consistent, more aware, more committed to my social responsibilities, and making the world a better place...to that end i've started by purchasing "An Inconvenient Truth" (the book) with the idea that even though he's preaching to the converted, maybe it'll have some helpful reminders, maybe some inspirations... and i got another book called "Getting to Maybe" which i'm hoping will provide some help in terms of practical application of my new intention to do more or at least do what i can more consistently. (thanks to sarah's grandma for the gift card to the bookstore.)

and i wanna blog again. regularly. and say smart things...or funny things...maybe both...

and i wanna eat healthier...maybe exercise...(?)...(i hate the cliche...)...see the thing is i didn't wear a belt today...and my pants stayed up...(duh duh duh...)

what else...hmm...maybe i'll tell you about my holidays while i try to think of something good..

so our christmas only ended on friday. what with the visiting on both sides of the family trees...the driving...and the driving... it was all pretty nice actually. there were a couple hellish moments but i can't really talk about it all on the interweb. all the visits were pretty nice though. actually really nice.
ok i got nothin.
actually that's it.
i'm done.
all that christmas...all that visiting...and then today being back at work...which was also fine...ok i'm just a little tired. besides, if i think about my thoughts...reflections...hopes...wishes...think about them some more...maybe talk/write about them...express my feelings...(actually if i express my feelings sarah might even read this blog...when she's not too busy sanding things and repainting the apartment...or at least choosing colours...)
...yeah i'm gonna end on a funny...

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