Wednesday, September 13, 2006

pheww...but we got another wedding invite for the end of october

so i'm sitting in front of the computer, typing away...kinda thought-full...and then some...but things are starting to sort themselves out i guess. (have we only been married for 2 1/2 weeks?) for those who couldn't be there with us, everything went amazingly well. all day long it didn't rain, which was pretty good luck actually, considering the gray skies. i spent a lot of time looking around at all the people we'd gathered together...i gotta say there was an impressive community gathered...and they all brought good spirits and it was really special for me just to be able to look out on it.
i gave a speech and people seemed to appreciate it and get it, to connect with me and what i felt and had to say about our gathering.
although i didn't get it all out cuz i ended up having to decipher my speech from the edited rough copy and not the cleaned up copy i wanted to rewrite.
one thing i didn't really get to say in my speech was that mark and kaarin's wedding was part of the inspiration for hoping for a wedding along the lines of a barn raising. they got married last summer out in the country and they had a county's worth of help to put something special together. i wish we could've stolen more of their ideas actually.
(i want to try to put my wedding speech up on the ol' blog, so if you don't know what i'm talking about bear with me.)
i had a really nice talk with sarah's grandma lorraine, who some of you got to talk to at the wedding. she's a really lovely lady.
she was telling me about some family history research she'd done. how some of her people had moved to the area around waterdown. how some of the communities were too small to have their own ministers. and how the young people would get married out in the field with their communities gathered around. just families, friends, and neighbours - no ministers or officials. i can picture that. it's kind of amazing to me to think that sarah and i echoed that. it wasn't something i'd intended, but it still means something to me, still resonates really's a special connection that she made for me.

adam and i went to see some live music last night - just the two of us. also special. it's a bit depressing to realize that the last time that happened was in 1999... but it was kind of a nice night anyway. easy to fall back into that relationship. now we gotta drag nicole out for some drinking and reminiscing or something. somebody warn our husbands and wives to be ready for the aftermath...
going out to see live music has inspired me again to make a better effort to see more of it. especially if i can go to hugh's room...i can walk there...shows start earlier...and end earlier...and i can sit down and still see the show...and i don't have to go all the way to the bar cuz there's table service......oh god i'm old apparently...

sarah and i have started spending our wedding money. we've got a table picked out, and a loveseat, and we picked up a home theatre/stereo in a box. and a printer. there's a digital camera in our future too. some new bedding. new plates.
other stuff i can't think of right now.

we also got new silverware. a couple bottles of scotch (one of glenlivet and one of 10 year old macallan...). some nice glasses. coffee grinder. hand mixer.
other stuff i can't think of right now...but only cuz i can't sleep lately...

we're going to gord and shanna's wedding in peterborough on saturday. they asked me to be the emcee. i can't wait. gord's great. it should be really nice and a lot of i'll be married for this one so i won't need to be taking notes, or making sure everyone's doing ok or that they got a drink in their hand. i can have a drink in my hand and dance and not feel bad if i don't get to say hi to everyone.
should be really good.

two weeks after that is my uncle's wedding. i'm also looking forward to that one. the relatives were really great at our wedding.

my uncle mont actually said the nicest things anyone's ever said about me. i'm still kinda shocked or amazed or something to think about what he said.

but now i gotta go to bed. seems like maybe i'll be able to get back into this blogging thing now i think. i'll try anyway.

good night.


Jennifer Jane Whiteford said...

Congratulations, Paul!!!

Your wedding sounds like it was really lovely. Wish I was there.


Miss Julia J said...

What a wonderful picture, Paul. I love it. I love your hat, too.

My/Our warmest congratulations to both of you.