Monday, January 09, 2006

domestic...bliss...(?)...uh oh...

so it seemed like domestic bliss for a few minutes and sarah in the kitchen...each of us baking...well actually i was just making choco chip cookie dough to eat...listening to neko case "tigers have spoken"...actually after her version of "train from kansas city" i ran out to get my shangri-las cd and play their (the original i think) version of it. only then i pulled a fast one on sarah and put twisted sister in the stereo and "the price" (the ultimate power ballad evER!!) came on...then a couple seconds later (i was busy reaching up and pulling down...clutching...trying to sing like i had heavy duty reverb...) sarah says "that's not the same song!"... don't be so hard on her. she got woken up from her early evening nap by a telemarketer, and told the telemarketer off for calling us at 530 "am"..."don't you know what time it is?" "my boyfriend is sleeping!" "i gotta go!" click!... it's been a hard day for my girl.
and the reason it's not so domestically blissful right now is cuz i ate too much of my cookie dough. i better stop now. beer oughta make me feel better right?

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