Sunday, January 22, 2006

i [heart]deadwood..."you liver-spotted cock sucker"

yup it's my new favourite show for sure. it's filthy...dirty...foul...! the swearing is so constant that you kinda forget it's swearing...only you also feel a little in awe of the big kids who weren't afraid to swear when you'd only learned your first swear word...
and there's naked girls sometimes and hard bitten men living on the edge of the law in times age when ... epic shit happened. kinda...
oh yeah and one of the main characters is from there's good bad guys.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"heaven isn't too far away/closer to it everyday/no matter what your friends mi-ght say...we'll find our wa-a-y...whoa yeah"

recipe for heaven
-one or more taste
-bag of sour cream and bacon chips...the bigger the better
-one raptors game recorded while you were at work...and you don't know anything about it yet...
-one really good this case "wildfire season" by andrew pyper...yes that andrew pyper...after reading most of his book i have to really respect him so i hope he's left the anti-christ (leah mclaren) to sink into her own lonely pit of inanity, banality, and asininity...and vapidity...ya know i just don't like her and he's apparently a really really good writer and what if she's contagious?...

only i can't really decide what to the book or watch basketball...cuz i got a feeling the book will make me need to lie on the floor for awhile, kinda stunned and try to drink beer while flat on my back...and sarah's already gone to sleep so i won't even be able to wake her for stunned-boyfriend-needs-a-cuddle cuddles...hmmm...better watch the raptors

ps. i think i might try to document what i read this far "high lonesome" by louis l'amour, and "devil's picnic" by taras grescoe, and now "wildfire season" by andrew pyper...but i think i'm forgetting one or two more...maybe they'll let me look at my book loan history at the old store if they still have it...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

doppelganger...soft in my old age...?

so at basketball tonight there was this new guy...his name was paul...good me...but then he made me kinda look least to me...
admittedly he was taller...more athletic...better vertical...better handle...
and i didn't play my best game at least from a shooting perspective...maybe one for 82...(but that one was a dagger...a coffin of the key jump shot that rattled home for the win...or at least the a game we lost actually...anyway...)
i made good passes though...
stifling defense too...mark couldn't do nothin against me...even though he was 9 inches taller...i built the fence in defence...
ran the floor well out on the break...rebounded...
but this paul guy had to go one better...made me feel soft...see he hit the dirt for more loose balls than anybody else all night...guy had like 14 blocks and 79 steals...1003 deflections...
that's my role!...the heart...the grit...the determination...that's me!
who does he think he is coming on my floor and playing my game?
actually i think he must be younger...probably only 28...

Monday, January 09, 2006

domestic...bliss...(?)...uh oh...

so it seemed like domestic bliss for a few minutes and sarah in the kitchen...each of us baking...well actually i was just making choco chip cookie dough to eat...listening to neko case "tigers have spoken"...actually after her version of "train from kansas city" i ran out to get my shangri-las cd and play their (the original i think) version of it. only then i pulled a fast one on sarah and put twisted sister in the stereo and "the price" (the ultimate power ballad evER!!) came on...then a couple seconds later (i was busy reaching up and pulling down...clutching...trying to sing like i had heavy duty reverb...) sarah says "that's not the same song!"... don't be so hard on her. she got woken up from her early evening nap by a telemarketer, and told the telemarketer off for calling us at 530 "am"..."don't you know what time it is?" "my boyfriend is sleeping!" "i gotta go!" click!... it's been a hard day for my girl.
and the reason it's not so domestically blissful right now is cuz i ate too much of my cookie dough. i better stop now. beer oughta make me feel better right?

Sunday, January 01, 2006

(my) broke[heart] mountain

oh my god.
just saw brokeback mountain...and it really hurt me. feeling a little emotionally exhausted actually. i am not gonna say much though. i think this is ang lee's best film. i think ang lee is the best living director. this film is film as very very high art. the cast works beautifully. i will go see heath ledger's next film based on this performance. the script is astonishing. the whole movie is astonishing. those guys...those characters...i like those guys a lot. they could totally be my friends...
i think that's all i'll say cuz of how many people i know who haven't seen it yet...

happy new year.