Friday, May 20, 2005

where to start...?

friday evening. another day/week over with. only reason i'm not drinking beer right now is cuz i'm supposed to play basketball tonight. and then i'll drink beer.
so consider me called out, goaded, into setting up a blog finally. y'all gotta understand that you've set the standard pretty high for what a person's gotta come up with on his or her new blog. depth, perception, prose, insight, poetry, good quotes, cultural awarenesses... well i'll try but i expect to get some response when i go on about basketball too. (btw i predict a pheonix - miami final with pheonix maybe winning it all...if...if...if the suns can get past the spurs. both series would probably be extremely exciting and contribute to my poor sleep quality these last two months - stupid western time zones...)
i haven't been sleeping very well for the last couple months almost. no matter what i do i will wake up sometime between 2am and 4am for up to an hour, maybe more than once. i have only managed to sleep through the night twice in the last 6 weeks. wearing me down.
not really much to say in an introductory post i guess. probably the next post will examine my quarter-life crisis and my gradual realization of my actual age, as well as questions around self-perception.

currently reading - 40 words for sorrow by giles blunt. only the fourth actual mystery i've ever read. so far so good. (melo)dramatic title appeals to me. lacks the awesome power of metaphor and snappy comebacks and martinis to be found in raymond chandler (the only other three mysteries i've read), but is still entertaining. i suspect that this will be another example of good story and good writing but without the beautiful/quotable prose i will seek in my next literary selection.

my girlfriend is amazing. she's making me a grilled cheese as i type. god i love her.

of note - this font is called "trebuchet". nice.


'col said...

I can respond when you talk about basketball, but not, like, intelligently.

grilled cheese. beer. mmm.

pol said...

grilled cheese was good. andy's idea has merit...but i'm gonna stick with my way. alternatively, i lived with a guy who baked his grilled cheese - no butter all on the outside...
basketball was ok tonight. i will be icing though. we had lotsa fast breaks, and a couple perfect pick and rolls, and i had beauty steve nash drive right under the basket and then, when the defenders collapsed on me i dropped the ball right into kj's hands two feet from the hoop...a la kid canada. now i'm drinking a smoothie and then i will drink beer. creemore or stella...?

pol said...

nobody's taking the bait to suggest what i might like to read next. hmmm...i'l have to remember that when i start dropping hints for my birthday presents...

ps. july 15. i'll be 30.

Anonymous said...

hey looky here. i'm posting...indicating that i have read this blog. yeh me. i am a true modern woman!

now about making food for my man. the easiest way to make a grilled cheese is to get someone else to do it. right babe?

Adam said...

first to goad and last to comment, sounds like me.