Tuesday, June 21, 2005

everything is illuminated

ok so i took adam's advice ... but i think it's gonna work out. i'm reading "everything is illuminated" now, by jonathan safran foer. so far very good. i feel like i've read a lot since i last posted what i've been reading. ok there was 'get shorty', 'true history of the kelly gang', 'forests of the night' by james hall, ...what am i forgetting? oh well. 'illuminated' is so very good so far. about a guy looking for the woman who might have saved his grandfather from the nazis with the help of a dog named sammy davis junior junior (yes 2 jr's) and a not very good translator. actually the bad english of the translator, alex, is pretty much genius. let me give you an example - alex is one of the narrators of the story:

"...i have tutored Little Igor to be a man of this world. For an example, I exhibited him a smutty magazine three days yore, so that he should be appraised of the many positions in which I am carnal. "This is the sixty-nine" I told him, presenting the magazine in front of him. I put my fingers - two of them - on the action so that he would not overlook it. "Why is it dubbed sixty-nine?" he asked, because he is a person hot on fire with curiosity. "It was invented in 1969. My friend Gregory knows the nephew of the inventor." "What did people do before 1969?" "Merely blowjobs and masticating box, but never in chorus."...
...I am burdened to recite my good appearance. I am unequivocally tall. I do not know any women who are taller than me. The women I know who are taller than me are lesbians, for whom 1969 was a good year..."

that was on page 3. i've got a good feeling about this book.


TW said...

the url is not "herecomesthebridges"

that would probably be some sort of engineering sight.

just sayin'


Adam said...

You spleen me with your linking overlook. Your post is quite premium otherwise.