Monday, May 23, 2005

thank god for the sunshine

so we've had a decent long weekend. started with no plans and ended up really having plenty to do. friday night as you may remember i played basketball. good clean fun.
saturday we ... we did something during the day... hmm... oh yeah! first we had raspberry pancakes. then we did a little shoe shopping. then we headed down to the rog-mahal to see the jays game. thanx again jeff and kendra for the tix. we ended up taking one of my recently transferred bosses cuz he's one of the very few people i know in town who like baseball, and another co-worker. perfectly reasonable way to spend an afternoon in my opinion. then we came home and rented "garden state" (good first film, but not particularly surprises...decent but not astonishing performances...overall a 7 out of 10 i guess...great soundtrack, but perhaps a little too familiar to those who work in retail this year...) and watched that with a couple friends. then we got up on sunday morning and got a phone call to go see amanda and jackie in dundas for a big meatie bbq and some beers, oh yeah and to watch the spurs/suns game. a very nice time was had by all. dundas is quite pretty. after dinner we walked down to the park and shot some hoops too. we woke up this morning in time to come back to the city and head straight to the distillery district to see beth (jen's partner) play at the distillery jazz festival in a band called 'les singes bleues'. they were not too jazzy after all, more french quarter caberet (ie. they were ok). we were early enough to find a great table that stayed in the sunshine for the whole performance, where i had a couple beers. god the sun felt good on my face. first time this year i've really spent time in the sun. it really capped the weekend off so nicely. i zoned out a lot just enjoying that feeling.
the only downer this weekend is the realization that my career/job/financial situational dissatisfaction is getting really hard to ignore and that it's making me pretty unhappy. maybe more than i realized. i'm very tired of being poor, broke, and pretty much lacking in job satisfaction or future prospects. actually that's not entirely true. i've been encouraged to apply for promotions with indigo/chapters, and the initial promotion would increase my salary by about 35%, but that still doesn't really put me in a bracket to start making a life, looking for a house, saving for retirement or really anything other than a somewhat better standard of living. also i've already been passed over for promotion 4 or 5 times. starting to not feel so good about that either. i'm turning 30 in a couple months and i'm still in retail, not even retail management. at least i finally got my first credit card. i can't seem to put my finger on any kind of future or any kind of dreams or ideal job situation really. i don't really have any dreams left when it comes to making a living. this whole making a living / making a life question has really affected me. raise your hand if you think this might be exactly the reason(s) that i can't really sleep through the night these last 6 weeks. sarah is very keen on me looking into career counselling but it runs around a $1000, and what if they don't really tell me anything?
so general underlying feeling = sense of failure at making any kind of life.
apparently, if mere's blog is the one that makes michelle cry, mine is the one that is depressing?
maybe as i practice this whole blog thing i'll get better at saying cool and interesting things.

i have a feeling i may have gotten a sunburn on my forehead...also i'm feeling kinda sleepy...2 beers + 2 hours sunlight on face = nap on couch.

still reading "40 words for sorrow". still pretty ok.

nba tips - so the suns lost game one of the western conference final. tough break. they looked like they coulda won if only a couple more shots, a couple less turnovers etc. basically i think this game was closer than the score indicated. interesting to note that the suns (best offensive team in the nba) got beat by the spurs (best defensive team) with the spurs scoring almost 120 points (yes that's a whole lot, especially cuz the spurs average around 85 - 90 pts/game). the best defensive team didn't win by playing defence either, cuz the suns also scored 110+ points. steve nash, aka kid canada, played a pretty good gritty game, even if it wasn't on par with his last 3 astonishing performances. i still think this series has a long way to go. maybe the full 7 games. i look forward to seeing what adjustments teh suns make.
in the east, i look forward to seeing shaq play as competitively as he has at any point in his career, against detroit (the team who beat his lakers in the finals last year). but now he's with miami and he's also trying to prove that he is worth more than that punk kobe bryant, that kobe was a selfish punk, and the lakers will regret the way they handled his exit. but dwayne wade's performance should be the other great storyline to watch. i don't think detroit really has a player who can guard him. a couple guys are quick enough but not big enough or strong enough or athletic enough. the real question in this series is whether miami has enough good enough players. detroit may have the best overall, with no weaknesses in their lineup, but miami has two of the best players in the game, and everybody else is still pretty good but...
only time will tell. i'm still rooting for a miami pheonix finals. with a san antonio and miami series as second best. san antonio and detroit would be the worst most boring series ever.
that's my two sense. wonder if 'modern-girl- sarah' has anything to add? jeff? gavin?

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